Welcome to the first Tips & Tricks newsletter. We are so excited that you subscribed and are ready to take your IT skills to the next level. We will focus on simple, yet powerful web browser shortcuts that can save you time while navigating the web. These shortcuts will make your browsing experience faster and more efficient which will help you focus on what is most important, your business.
1.     Open a New Tab Quickly
PC:Â Ctrl + T
Mac:Â Cmd + T
Instantly open a new tab to start a fresh search or visit a new website.

2.     Close the Current Tab
PC:Â Ctrl + W
Mac:Â Cmd + W
Need to close a tab fast? This shortcut allows you to close the current tab you are viewing without even a click of a mouse.

3.     Reopen Closed Tab
PC:Â Ctrl + Shift + T
Mac:Â Cmd + Shift + T
If you accidentally close a tab, don’t worry. This shortcut allows you to reopen your last closed tab. Pressing it multiple times will reopen multiple last closed tabs.
4.     Open the Browser History
PC:Â Ctrl + H
Mac:Â Cmd + Y
Easy access to view your browsing history.

5.     Zoom In and Out
PC:Â Ctrl + + (zoom in), Ctrl + - (zoom out)
Mac:Â Cmd + + (zoom in), Cmd + - (zoom out)
Use this shortcut when web pages don’t fully fit the screen and for better readability.

6.     Go Back and Forward Between Pages
PC:Â Alt + left arrow key (back a page), Alt + right arrow key (forward a page)
Mac:Â Cmd + left arrow key (back a page), Cmd + right arrow (forward a page)
This shortcut allows you to navigate back to the previous page on a website then forward again with ease.
7.     Open Incognito/Private Window
PC:Â Ctrl + Shift + N
Mac:Â Cmd + Shift + N
For private browsing, use this shortcut to open a new window without saving your history, cookies, or site data.

8.     Open New Window
PC:Â Ctrl + N
Mac:Â Cmd + N
This shortcut allows you to open another Window separate from all your other tabs.

9.     Save a Webpage as a Bookmark
PC:Â Ctrl + D
Mac:Â Cmd + D
Need to save a website for later? This shortcut adds the current webpage to your bookmarks, making it easy to revisit later.

10.  Find Text on a Webpage
PC:Â Ctrl + F
Mac:Â Cmd + F
If you need locate a specific word or phrase on a webpage, this shortcut opens the search and highlights matching results.

Next time you are surfing the web, try these shortcuts to help streamline your day. If you enjoyed this first edition of tips and tricks let us know using the button below!
All the best,
Breagha @ HeyIT